Friday, March 13, 2009

The Human Condition.

Some people are poison.

There are the people that relish this poisonousness.
Those people are actually villains I guess.

Then there are the people that maybe are clueless about how poisonous they are.
They just look around and figure that it is everyone else's problem.
It is never their fault.

And their cluelessness makes you equal parts angry, sad and confused.

Well, I don't know.
I just think about teaching things to my boy.
Knowledge to pass on.

I would tell him, I would say...

"Son, some people are poison."

Then we would pick up our shit and just keep on truckin'.
Because we are tight like that.


1 comment:

  1. Then there are the people that maybe are clueless about how poisonous they are.
    They just look around and figure that it is everyone else's problem.
    It is never their fault.

    So, so true. Although, from experience, I think that on some level these people do know. Some of them, at least. It's either buried very, very deep so that they can't acknowledge it, or they're so stubborn they don't want to, or - the one I'm going for - it's easier to blame everyone else, because facing up to themselves and the problems they cause other people is way too hard.


No dick heads please.