Sunday, May 10, 2015


Do you ever take the time to notice your posture?
Are you horrified by it?

I don't know what to say lately.
I have been being my own cheerleader, inside my head, and it is taking up a lot of my mental energy.
There has been a lot of analyzation going on up there.
So I haven't been quick to share anything.
Since I am currently mulling things over.
I have not yet come to any conclusive results.
So my trap is shut.

Do you ever take the time to notice your grammar and sentence structure?
Is that something that you are proud of?

Look, I am all for making up the rules as we go along.

But there are definitely some time tested truths along the way.

You got to make time to examine these as you come across them.

It can be a real son of a bitch to your ego.

Heads up.

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