Monday, November 12, 2012

Wolf Howls!

Yesterday was a whirlwind of errands, talking, running and talking, and then busses and trains and all the while asking questions and commenting on surroundings and seeing paintings and then... surprisingly, a bit of silence.
But that was because of the traffic below us that was drowning out our voices that things were quiet. Then we descended into Brooklyn via the Willy-B and Holy Cow did we scream!!
All the way down, with shoelaces flapping and belongings spilling and feet barely touching the ground.
Then at the bottom, for some reason, we had to walk backwards to calm down and consider our places in this crazy messed up world.

And it was a tiny hand reaching for my much larger hand.

This brought it all down to a manageable level.
He's cool to me like that.

And it was dark outside, and it was quiet.

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